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Three friends from a tiddly town in the South of Scotland, Andrew, Bruce and Chris have always been movie lovers. Who do we think has the best movie knowledge? This is yet to be concluded, although conversations have been had about Andrew having seen the most movies, since he's "Watched everything since Die Hard." Though; as you may have gathered from the Ten Point Podcast episodes produced so far, their tastes wildly vary! All avid gamers, you can often find them on Xbox chatting about new releases, their favourite streaming services and of course their pride and joy, the podcast. Our boys would love nothing more than to get together and have a fantastic night of movies and snacks!

Meet The Team

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Andrew the action hero wannabe loves a good explosion, a light-hearted plot and no frills attached type of dynamic. With headline choices including Blade, Starship Troopers, Mortal Kombat and Judge Dredd, you can see he really lives for 80s and 90s blockbusters with a headstrong lead character and plenty of fight sequences.

When out with friends he is often found with an audience, listening to great tales of his time working at comic conventions, booking in celebrity guests and spending time with A-listers!

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Bruce, forever searching for a serious drama that could change Andrew's perceptions of what makes a good movie, has so far chosen a very different route. There may be a few more peculiar picks (Duck Tales, what an oddity!) but deep down I think he will choose more hard-hitting movies to pave the way for his conversations in the podcast. With choices including Interstellar, Gone Girl and RockNRolla, he has demonstrated that big name directors are a popular choice for this movie enthusiast. Could he stray and choose a very different path for Season 3? Stay tuned!

Bruce is also the only person from the trio who has worked in a cinema, the equivalent of church for the religion of film-goers! There are quite a few movies we need to help catch him up on though, as he is more likely to watch a film he's seen before than a new one, so recommendations are most certainly welcome.

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Chris can often be found browsing his dvds, in fact he makes sure he watches them all every couple of months. Because what's the point of buying dvds if you aren't going to watch them? Possibly the most random with his movie choices, he goes from 90s comedy classics to award nominated dramas from one pick to the next. Chris' choices cater to Bruce's movie taste more so than Andrew's, and they often have a good Amazon rating, but who is keeping tabs...

There is a gap in movie knowledge for this padawan, as he claims not to watch "old movies". I.E. anything from before 1990. Who is this imposter and how can he claim to be a movie fan? Shame on him!

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