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A Babysitter's Guide to Monster Hunting – An Honest Review 4/10

As a Ten Point Podcast fan I was excited to see a new movie added to Netflix recently directed by Rachel Talalay, who also directed Tank Girl; a movie covered in the first season of the Podcast! A Babysitter's Guide to Monster Hunting is the story of a high school student who is begrudgingly babysitting her mother's boss' child on Halloween, rather than going to the party her friends and fellow students will be at. But this child has been suffering recently, unable to sleep due to some super scary nightmares, if that's what you can call them. But there is more to it than meets the eye when the youngster is kidnapped... by monsters!

Kelly Ferguson, the babysitter, has a little bit of experience with nightmares and even monsters, having fought off a scary bogeyman-esque figure in her childhood. Whilst she calls the police to report the child abduction an angsty teen approaches her, asking questions about the disappearance and circumstances. It turns out there's a secret society that serves the purpose of protecting children from the ghouls and horrors that come out when the kids go to sleep. The team offers their assistance in order to help retrieve Jacob from the monsters, but Kelly must also help them too.

Tom Felton is practically unrecognisable in this feature, a change from his Harry Potter days with his striking blonde hair. His character is the scariest of all of the monsters we come across, and it seems he is the most dominant too. The secret society appear to have not came up against him previously as a team before, but individuals have had experiences with him. He has big plans to make nightmares become a reality, so the team must work to defeat him.

I thought this was a great family-friendly movie for Halloween, and you could watch it any time really. There isn't anything terrifying per se, just the idea of monsters. Most of them are weird looking and possibly even a little cute. No merits for the acting in this one, as everything seems over-exaggerated, as is usually the case with this type of movie. The effects were good, the general premise of the movie was also fun, and it was entertaining to watch. Not particularly mature but I don't think it was supposed to be, and a bit of a longwinded mid-section to the film also. I would say it's worth a watch particularly if you've got children to watch with. Probably not something I would watch again though.

A review by CB


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