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Black Friday - An Honest Review 3/10

At a time when most people are celebrating Thanksgiving with their nearest and dearest, an other-worldly creature comes crashing through the roof of a toystore where employees are preparing for Black Friday; the most daunting day of the year for customer service reps. But why has this being hurtled to Earth and what are it's intentions? Read on to find out what this movie has in store for us... yes that was a pun!

I didn't see any advertisements for this prior to my other half exclaiming "There's a Bruce Campbell Christmas movie that promises to be awesome!". How wrong he was! This movie starts with a presumably a teenager trying to find his hand sanitizer, preparing for work, whilst his family gorge themselves on a huge thanksgiving dinner with lots of drinks and merriment. As our protagonist arrives at work we discover there's still lots to do before the store officially opens to customers for the most soul-crushing day of sales in retail. A handful of staff mysteriously disappeared prior to the evening shift staff coming in so the current staff begin tidying and organising prior to being assigned their tasks for the night. A few characters are introduced at this stage; we have the try hard, the preppy checkout assistant, the drunk, the manager and the OAP who isn't so good at their job. Bruce Campbell is certainly not a standout character, playing a jerk of a store manager who isn't treating his staff with the dignity and respect they deserve.

I was actually hoping for something a little bit Evil-Dead like from this film but this was just plain bad!

The storyline wasn't horrific - it was exciting compared to your average Christmas movie and unlike other festive horror movies there's plenty of comedy tied in. I'd say a mash up of a comedy and a B-movie. It wasn't hugely entertaining, with the movie feeling extremely long for what it was. It really wasn't holding my attention at all. The cast weren't bad in any way, if anything I'd say the writing and the journey the story takes us on is the problem. There's some pretty funny kill streaks from the clerks, but aside from that it wasn't anything to shout about. It was mildly funny if only for how bad the entirety of the film was, so 3 out of 10 was the best I could give!

Review by CB


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