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Ten Point Podcast Blade Trilogy Roundup

Now that you've all had a chance to listen to the latest episode of the Ten Point Podcast, Blade: Trinity, we can take a look at how the guys rated Blade, Blade 2 and of course Blade: Trinity in a quick revisit!

The very first episode of Ten Point Podcast introduced us to Blade, a movie chosen by Andrew that Bruce had not seen before but was eager to watch! This is a typical Wesley Snipes movie, with bad jokes and cool quips about other characters. It included Andrew's favourite quote "Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill.", Bruce's favourite unsung hero in Blade's sidekick Whistler, and the undisputed best song of the first season of the show from the iconic blood rave scene. There were some great highs, and some terrible lows, but overall this movie was definitely enjoyed by the team.

Blade scored an overall 7/10 from a total of 20 points, with Andrew giving it 7 points, Bruce giving it 7 points and Chris giving it 6 points. Chris did later admit he thought he had given it too low of a score, but no take-backsies here.

According to our highly perceptive team there were 5 explosions, 88 deaths and 46 swears. Blade took home 4 pointy awards from our prestigious end of season Ten Point Podcast Pointy Awards, making it the most awarded movie of our debut season. Fancy that!

Bruce's pick Blade 2 was the first episode of our second season of the Ten Point Podcast, with Andrew and Chris having seen this, not necessarily very recently, and Bruce again getting to see a movie he'd not seen previously. We had some much better special effects to enjoy, other than the really bad fight sequence with the light wall which won a pointy award for how bad it was... We had more characters to help the story along, some of whom were vampires and others who were a mutation of a vampire. We weren't quite sure who the bad guy really was until very near the end so it kept us on the edge of our seats throughout!

Blade 2 scored an overall 7/10 from a total of 21 points, with Andrew giving it 8 points, Bruce giving it 7 points and Chris giving it 6 points. Although the average score was the same it did gain an extra point from Andrew than he had scored Blade! Which means that Bruce and Chris thought the sequel was as good as the original, but no better.

Our eagle-eyed hosts enlightened us with more great stats, to confirm that there were less explosions this time around; only 3, 160 deaths this time which is practically double the first movie and tops the highest death count of the second season of the podcast, and 35 swears so again less than the first film. Blade 2 took home a whopping 5 pointy awards, so even more than Blade had gotten in our first season's Ten Point Podcast Pointy Awards! But that did not make it the most awarded movie of season 2 because Gone Girl received just as many. Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn!

Blade: Trinity was the first pick of Season 3 and came from Andrew again. Another new movie for Bruce and the final of the collection. It felt like a fitting pick. The story had more depth to it this time, with the viewer given more insight a lot earlier into the film than it's prequels. We can only hope that this epic action feature will also gain momentum and win a few Pointy Awards, so that it doesn't embarrass the trilogy as the only one that has not!

The hosts were very aware of Wesley Snipes lack of fucks given towards this movie, but enjoyed it nonetheless. Ryan Reynolds was a key part in their Podcast episode, and made up for any problems Snipes had brought to the set. It was agreed that the soundtrack was lacking and a bitter disappointment considering the bangers that had came from the other Blade movies. There was a bit of controversy over whether or not Jessica Biel added anything to the movie, because even her shower scene didn't make up for her character's lack of... character.

Blade: Trinity scored an overall 7/10 from a total of 20 points, with Andrew giving it 8 points, Bruce giving it 7 points and Chris giving it 5 points. Andrew liked this the most out of the 3 but rated it the same as Blade 2, Bruce said that this was his favourite Blade movie but rated them all the same as a 7, and Chris said this was his least favourite Blade, which is reflected in his score.

I will update the Blade:Trinity section of this blog post once the Season 3 Pointy Awards have taken place. Hopefully it wins some stuff!

Written by CB


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