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Chantelle's May Watchlist

It's that time of the month... and I'm not talking about Mother Nature doing her thing! I'm talking about me telling you about some of the movies you can watch in May from our trusty UK streaming services. I'm going to go in date order with my recommendations, or in some cases releases that I've yet to see but have had my eye on!

May 1st: Premonition - Netflix

Starring Sandra Bullock and Julian McMahon, this movie opens with a woman suffering from a mental health stoop being informed of her husband's passing in a tragic car accident. She wakes up the next day to discover he's alive and well, but she can't seem to shake the feeling that something's not quite right. Another night of rest and he's dead again. What the f is going on?! Great movie in my opinion, I think Sandra is an amazeballs actress.

May 1st: School of Rock - Netflix

I could not tell you how many times I watched this movie as a teen! I've always thought Jack Black was hilarious, wished he was my teacher and would 100% absolutely join his band. Family friendly with a lot of heart, this movie is about a substitute teacher whose flatmate hears a voicemail asking for his assistance at a local school and decides that he's up to the task, despite not being a teacher and being a down and out musician! You know where to find me JB if you need someone without any musical talent who just wants to be a part of something cool...

May 1st: The Fourth Kind - Netflix

Okay so I won't be watching this again, but I think it's worth a watch once, so I'm recommending it in order for everyone else to be able to help me to answer all of the questions I had after watching this movie, because HOLY SHIT it was messed up! Milla Jovovich stars as a psychologist in Alaska where there's been a scary amount of people disappearing, and she's trying to get to the bottom of this whole oddity. Could it be a government conspiracy? Is there a serial kidnapper or murderer at large? Or could it just be something a little extra-terrestrial?

May 3rd: John Wick: Chapter 2 - Amazon Prime

Keanu Reeves as John Wick is the height of his performance capabilities. John Wick has class, he has lengthy fight scenes, there's explosions, and everything else you might want out of a movie about an assassin. Make sure to check out the first movie before you tune in for this one though - you won't regret it! And the 3rd movie is pretty darn good too.

May 7th: Unbreakable & Glass - Disney+

I've listed these two movies together because they're part of the same universe, but you will want to watch Unbreakable, then Split, then Glass. Why they haven't added Split is beyond me because it's kinda essential, but never mind. Unbreakable is the story of David, the sole survivor of a train crash who seems to have a knack for surviving. Is he invincible, or possibly blessed with superhuman abilities? We'll soon find out! Glass sees Elijah, the anti-hero from Unbreakable, locked up in a mental facility. Kevin (from Split) and David are soon to join him when a psychiatrist tries her hand at curing these mentally incapacitated people of their odd idea that they're in some way special.

May 14th: Ma - Netflix

Missed this when it originally came out but I've heard great things. Octavia Spencer stars as Sue Ann, a lonely lady who finds a new friendship with a group of local teens when she offers up her basement as a place to party. This horror was given very average reviews online but everybody leans toward telling you to watch this movie just for Octavia's performance. I'm gonna put my big girl pants on for this one.

May 14th: The Woman in The Window - Netflix

A brand new release, The Woman in the Window sees Amy Adams portraying an agoraphobic doctor and typical nosey neighbour who accidentally spies an incident take place which she most definitely should not have. This psychological thriller has a star studded cast including Gary Oldman, Julianne Moore, Anthony Mackie, up-and-coming Wyatt Russell, Brian Tyree Henry (who starred as Honolulu in previous Ten Point Podcast pick Hotel Artemis) and more. I can't wait to watch this one as I think it's going to be INTENSE!

May 16th: Highlander - Netflix

Who wants to live forever, you might be asking yourself? Certainly not Connor Macleod, an immortal being who thought his fighting days were over. The Kurgan is out for blood, and the opportunity to be the last of his kind. Sean Connery, Christopher Lambert and Clancy Brown can be marvelled at in their prime with this cult classic, with an epic soundtrack to boot!

May 17th: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - Amazon Prime

Johnny Depp's musical talent know no bounds. I've seen this movie just once, and it was a very typical Tim Burton movie. Like Edward Scissorhands except he's called Sweeney and he has a barber's blade instead of scissorhands. I thought it was decent, so if you like musicals and haven't seen this I would say it's worth a shot. Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman and Jamie Campbell-Bower also headline this more recent reimagining of a classic.

May 19th: Pokémon Detective Pikachu - Amazon Prime

If you like Ryan Reynolds, watch this movie. If you like Pikachu, watch this movie. If you're happy to just enjoy an entertaining, feel good family film with a nice story, watch this movie! As a Pokemon fan I was so happy to see a live action movie and I feel like it did the franchise proud. And how kawaii is Pikachu?

May 20th: Jay & Silent Bob Reboot - Netflix

We can't all be stoners hanging out in front of rental stores, malls, convenience stores etc, but Jay and Silent Bob became the world's lovable rogues throughout their appearances in the View Askewniverse (great name right?) You'll have to watch the other movies first for this one to make sense, so get yourself on a binge watch of Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks II and Jay & Silent Bob's Super Groovy Super Groovy Cartoon Movie.

May 21st: Army of the Dead - Netflix

Ten Point Podcast has already boasted an appearance from the phenomenal Dave Bautista, so you'll know just how good he can be in a movie already. This Zack Snyder feature details a group of mercenaries planning a heist in Las Vegas. But this ain't no Oceans' movie, as there's a zombie outbreak and in order to complete their task, they've got to go up against an army of the undead. Let the bodies pile high I say!

May 25th: Spider-Man: Far From Home - Netflix

Marvel fans who've not yet signed themselves up for Disney+ can see the latest movie release thanks to Netflix. This film sees Peter Parker come into his own as Spider-Man without the help of his father figure Tony Stark, who sadly passed at the end of End Game #ILoveYou3000. Tom Holland plays the angsty teen who's school trip to Europe turns into a mission with a new superhero from another world. Or so we think! An okay movie, not in my top 5 Marvel but worth watching so that you're in the know ready for whatever future movies Marvel plans to throw our way in the Post-Infinity phase.

That should be more than enough to keep me going movie wise. Let us know what you plan to watch this month, whether that's new movies or old favourites!



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