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Flora & Ulysses - An Honest Review 6/10

Enter Flora, a huge comic book fan, who loves to see the world from a different perspective. Whilst in the garden she notices a neighbour needs assistance with an out of control robot vacuum and just as they think they have it trapped it zips past them and sucks up a squirrel! Flora leaps into action and rescues the squirrel from the vacuum and the story only gets better from there on out!

When Flora recovers the squirrel it appears he isn't moving... but with a little bit of squirrel cpr he's back on track and Flora decides to name him Ulysses, ironically after the robot vacuum that attacked him. An amazing bond is formed between the two and Flora nurses the reborn squirrel to health, with her trusty trail mix and food scraps she saves from dinner. A few strange things happen and one particular incident in a donut shop (so funny, make sure to pay attention to this scene!) clarifies what Flora had hoped all along. Ulysses is a superhero squirrel with powers. Her father, a budding comic artist who never got his big pay day, comes to the realisation that this newfound friend could be the key to bringing his family back together.

I absolutely loved watching this movie! I thought it had some great dialogue exchange, a really fun plot and I honestly thought it was the best family film released by Disney in the past twelve months. Matilda Lawler, the actress who plays Flora has such a quirky attitude and it really works for the kooky family that she is a part of. Alyson Hannigan stars as the washed up author who hasn't been able to write a bestseller for a while now, and is in desperate need of some inspiration (of the sexy romantic literature variety). Flora's dad was turfed out of the house after a few tough conversations with his wife and ends up working in retail. He clearly doesn't enjoy his job but also can't make it in his chosen profession. He could really do with his big break coming soon, but it seems as if Flora is the only person who believes in him. I loved the relationship between the two, and the strength that Flora can offer her dad, as if she's in the parental position! Flora has a new best friend in William Spiver, the neighbour's grandson who is currently suffering from hysterical blindness. The two kids become close through their differences and work together to help with the problems that arise when Ulysses is discovered.

My main problem with the film was the pacing, and how much we uncovered about Ulysses. Yes, I know there's not much to being a squirrel, but I would have loved to have seen more of his powers and antics! The true hero of the movie in more ways than one. I think the sass from Flora was excellent and more of this would have been appreciated too. Alyson Hannigan's mother character bothered me a little. She was somewhat ignorant to her daughter - I understand about being career driven, and needing to write a book to make money, but if the ideas aren't flowing perhaps a different career choice - after all that's what drove that dad out of the house.

Overall enjoyed and would recommend watching the once. If you like squirrels maybe you'll revisit!

Review by CB


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