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Hitman's Wife’s Bodyguard - An Honest Review 7/10

Michael Bryce is under review as a AAA bodyguard, facing scrutiny for his actions and support of his client. In an attempt to help his mental wellbeing he visits a therapist who strongly recommends a sabbatical from his career, in order to assess his life and his needs. Of course this doesn't last long, with the wife of Kincaid tracking him down for another highly dangerous mission.

Sonia Kincaid hijacks the Michael Bryce's long overdue vacation as she's in desperate need of assistance - Darius Kincaid, her husband, has been kidnapped! She's just as lethal as he is though, as she makes her way through a barrage of bad guys in order to get Bryce to safety, whilst he's refraining from violence. Because, sabbatical of course. Upon finding Darius Sonia discovers that the final words of her husband before she went to seek help were "Anyone but Michael Bryce!", and not a plea for her to find Michael Bryce. The three are embroiled in American agent Bobby O'Neill's plans to take down a terrorist after Kincaid decided to kill Carlo, the agent's informant. Antonio Banderas stars as Aristotle Papadopoulos, a shipping tycoon who is dead set on causing havoc and destroying the European power grid with a specialist device in order to assert dominance and gain power over the EU, who plan to impose more sanctions on Greece.

Bryce, Kincaid and Sonia seek help from Bryce's stepfather, being offered a safe house and a car to regroup ready to tackle the antagonist. When they're found by Aristotle we discover that Sonia used to be married to this mad man, and had an accident resulting in memory loss. Since then she'd settled down with and married Kincaid. Did they mention he was kidnapped from his honeymoon? Anyways, Bryce and Kincaid escape after a little torture session, leaving Sonia behind with her ex-lover after the shock revelation that Kincaid may not be able to inseminate her, destroying her dreams of being a mother and having a beautiful family. They could always adopt though right?

I'll leave the rest of the story to you guys to figure out, but in a typical fashion the good guy, in this case Michael Bryce, comes out on top. I thought the story was bang average but that's to be expected of this James Bond-esque movie, with the action and actors carrying the movie. I actually preferred the first movie, but I did enjoy the casting choices and the explosions, stunts, choreography of fight scenes etc etc. I just went to watch a funny Ryan Reynolds movie and I was not disappointed in that sense. The use of music throughout the film was absolutely spot on, I thought it really enhanced the hilarity of it all. Was it a bit cheesy, repetitive and samey? Yes, but that doesn't mean it wasn't enjoyable. Something that people seem to forget these days. The chemistry between our protagonists was fantastic to watch, with some absolute howlers throughout. I've noticed some highly critical reviews of this movie but in all honesty I couldn't understand where the reviewers were coming from. Excessive swearing? I wouldn't say so, but then it's a Samuel L. Jackson movie. Misogynistic? Nope! Yes there is humour and comedy based around the female anatomy, as there is with male anatomy too. People are so soft nowadays with what can and can't be joked about it's unreal. I tend not to read things before watching movies now as I like to form my own opinions of movies. How else would I entertain you guys?

Samuel L. Jackson as usual was spunky and absolutely mopped the floor with his co-stars, not in terms of acting skills but of course he always gets characters who're written the same way; verbally abusive, obnoxious and demanding, just how I like it. Salma was a great pick for the role of Sonia - we 100% needed someone who could be just as loud, just as sassy and perhaps a little bit crazier. Don't tell her character that though, seems to be a trigger! Antonio Banderas playing a Greek villain threw me though - why have a Spaniard in that role and not just make the character Spanish? Let's assume they wanted it to be a slightly believable scenario and with Greece being a sore subject around the EU the character made sense, but perhaps not the casting choice. A topic we should probably touch upon - there is a distinct lack of Greek actors in Hollywood! But Miltos Yerolemou, who was cast as Carlo, is of Greek Cypriot heritage. So that would have been somewhat more faithful if you ask me. And having met Miltos; who is a particularly charming fella, I would say he should have had the opportunity to play that role. I think he would have bounced off Salma Hayek so well. What could have been! Fellow AAA bodyguard Magnusson is portrayed by Tom Hopper, another actor I've had the pleasure of meeting and might I say he's also super nice too. And, he owes Ten Point Podcast host Andrew a pair of cargo shorts after a risky tyre change. But that is a story for another day! Gary Oldman has a blink and you'll miss it appearance - we needed more of him fo sho.

Overall a fun watch, worth a trip to the cinema and hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I did. Also, quick mention, my local Cineworld cinema had ice cream this week but not the ingredients for an ice cream sundae. We're getting there though!

Review by CB


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