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Wonder Woman 1984 – An Honest Review 5/10

Finally, we're able to watch the long-awaited sequel to DC's first female led movie! I quite enjoyed the first Wonder Woman - the casting was exceptional, the score was brimming with power and energy, and the feature itself had a story that was easy to follow with plenty of character building. Will Wonder Woman 1984 be the movie I was hoping for? I think I was just pleased to watch a new movie release. Sorry if I'm harsh on this one - I'm under duress thanks to the lasso of truth!

The stunning, enigmatic Diana is enjoying the 1980s in America, working as a curator of artifacts at the Smithsonian. It's revealed to the viewer that she lives quite an solitary life, with her true love gone and the people she had come to call friends and family no longer with us, she doesn't have anybody. It almost seems as if she'd prefer it that way though, as she stays professional in her line of work and appears to be using it as an excuse to help hide her true identity. Which is why it comes as a surprise when Diana finds an unlikely friend in fellow museum employee Barbara Minerva. As they begin to bond an unusual item finds it's way into the museum, an artifact that can offer your heart's desire, but at a price. Unbeknownst to Barbara our favourite heroine takes it upon herself to use the item without the full knowledge of it's toll. Whilst the item is being stored in the museum and under Barbara's remit, she is approached by a potential buyer. Enter the villainous and power hungry Maxwell Lord. She agrees to the sale of the ancient stone, and as a result of her request Barbara starts to ooze confidence, prowess and an unexpected power, one that parallels that of Diana. An unstoppable force like Cheetah becomes a worthy enemy of Wonder Woman, whose powers are waning. But Maxwell Lord is the person to fear - an already powerful man within his industry, in control of an extremely powerful object!

The opening sequence to the movie was actually my favourite part - I found the flashback to Diana's younger years reminiscent of the previous movie. I much preferred the segments set back in time, on Themyscira. Once that was over with and we joined our protagonist in the 80s the movie, in my opinion, went into a downward spiral.

I liked Barbara Minerva but it just seemed strange that her character took the turn that they did. It isn't that I feel as if Kristen Wiig didn't do her justice; because she was great as the baseline character, but more that Cheetah as a character wasn't the right transformation. She did become an apex predator comparable to Wonder Woman but where was the story to it? Everything was about Max and I just couldn't get my head around why they did the big character transformation to then disregard her for most of the movie. Definitely not a plot I expected from a female writer who was so highly commended for her work on this franchise.

Now, I'm not totally clued up on the comics so you'll have to excuse me if there is a comic story arc along these lines with Cheetah working alongside Max, but come on... there was so little to take away from this. It gave me X-Men Days of Future Past vibes - Pedro Pascal feels like Peter Dinklage! Which is funny as they both starred in Game of Thrones together of course. Another movie I wouldn't rate all that highly.

Pedro Pascal was definitely the most enjoyable performance of them all. I would happily have him as a villain any day of the week - a very different type of role for him which I think will become more familiar in the future. He did have to work hard mind you, but you can only work with what you're given! Another jab at the writing unfortunately as it seemed they didn't think quality over quantity when it came to the latest addition to the DC franchise.

We do receive the highly anticipated return of Steve Trevor which I was most certainly excited for, but I found that the character was far less interesting and charming this time around, sehr lacklustre! The story of Diana being a lovesick, wounded soldier was hard to watch and I didn't think it gelled well with the other aspects of the movie. Yes, superheroes can have hearts and tales of woe, but I don't think her character supports a life of loneliness as Diana has led. As an immortal she recognises that loss is something that will be experienced no matter what, due to the difference in aging. I think the character showed a lack of strength throughout, and I don't just mean in losing her powers.

The score of course was great - I never expected any less! I do fear that the era the movie was set in was actually under-utilised. There are lots of references to things that would have been fashionable clothing wise and musically, but aside from that where are those vibes we all love from that time? I love all things 80s but I really wasn't sure why this was set in that period. It was almost a throwaway, as everything that happened then could have been done in the 60s, 70s, 90s... any time really, as there was no benefit to it being set then.

Definitely not the sequel I hoped for sadly, but atleast we got a superhero movie during lockdown! It was very middle of the road, and as such I decided to rate it 5/10. I don't think I will be rushing to watch this movie again unfortunately.

Review by CB


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